Studio Ghibli season on Film4 Didn't know till I saw some tweets about Princess Mononoke on Film4 this evening, but it's Studio Ghibli season since yesterday. (by Whykay Dec. 11, 2011)
Panam tv series and Hong Kong Have been watching Panam (tv series) the last couple of weeks. Tonight's episode featured the pilots landing the plane in Hong Kong (the old airport, Kai ... (by Whykay Nov. 19, 2011)
Voice actor for Zippy dies For all those who might remember the children's tv show called Rainbow, might also remember Zippy and George. Well, the voice actor for both characters, Roy ... (by Whykay June 8, 2011)
RTE introduce 5 new digital tv channels We are finally moving towards digital channels, and HD. The only HD channel I have is BBC HD and it's fantastic watching QI, Top Gear, ... (by Whykay Feb. 24, 2011)