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Thursday, 13th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

Happy New Year

IBC Happy New Year

A very big Happy New Year to everyone! I can't believe it's 2018 already. And Chinese New Year is early this year, and it's the year of the Dog. Looking forward to that.

I briefly wrote about my trip to Hong Kong to attend the Da Jiu Festival, a 10-year recurring event at my mom's village called Lam Tsuen. You can read about it here >>>

If you like to submit an article to IBC, you can email me at irishbornchinese[at]gmail[dot]com.

A big Happy New Year to you all

A big Happy New Year to you all

Free Japanese language Tour at Chester Beatty

Free Japanese language Tour at Chester Beatty

It's International Women's Day today

Happy International Women's Day today

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