Title: Happy 4717th Chinese New Year
Created Thursday, 23rd January 2020, 00:24 by Whykay

It's coming up to Chinese New Year, and this year it's the Year of the Rat (or the Male Metal Rat or the White Metal Rat, read more here).
It's also that time of year I go searching for how to say certain Chinese New Year greetings in Cantonese and also how it's written (I copy and paste mainly 😉)
Courtesy of Wikipedia and chinese-lessons.com, here's some of the ones I use:
- 新年快樂 - Sun Leen Fai Lok: "Happy New Year"
- 恭喜發財 - Gung Hei Fat Choi: "Congratulations and be prosperous"
- 恭喜發財,利是逗來 - Gung Hei Fat Choi, Lai See Dou Loi: Congratulations and be prosperous, now give me the red envelope (Note: this is a cheeky one normally used by young kids, not that you get any as an adult anyway. 😜)
- 萬事如意 - Maan See Yeu Yee: "May all your wishes be fulfilled" * 心想事成 - Sum Sheung See Sing: "What you desire will be accomplished"
- 龍馬精神 - Lung Mah Jing Sun: "Spirt of dragon and horse" which sort of translate to wishing them lots of energy and longevity.
- 學業進步 - Hok Yip Jung Bo: "Will progress in education", yip, this is one for those still in school.
I'm really looking forward to is Evelyn Mok: Stand Up Comedy | Evelyn Mok: 脱口秀表演 on Feb 7th at The International Comedy Club. Can't wait to hear an overseas born Asian who's a comedian this side of the Atlantic. 🙌
For those who are looking for family-friendly events, check the Festival Programme.
My husband and I will be running a workshop on making your own Chinese New Year greeting card and light it up with paper circuits. Parents must accompany their kids during these sessions. It's free and materials are provided. 😊
If you are tweeting about what you are up to at Chinese New Year, you can include @irishchinese so we can collate IBC and friends with hash-tags #CNY #DCNYF.
Any events happening around the island of Ireland outside of Dublin, do let us know as well. Here's what I've found so far:
- Chinese New Year Gala2020 on Saturday 25th Jan 2020, from 3pm to 6pm
- Cork Chinese New Year Festival 2020
- Chinese New Year in Belfast
If you still use Facebook, there's an active Irish Born Chinese group, check it out at https://www.facebook.com/groups/irishbornchinese/.
Finally, wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year! 🧧