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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

Fresh Air Fund

Created Friday, 8th October 2010, 15:43 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

From Sara (Fresh Air Fund):

The Fresh Air Fund was thrilled with all of the interest generated within the blogosphere for our Fresh Air children. We had close to 5000 volunteer host families open their home to a NYC child and 3000 children visited our camps. It was a great summer! Our Facebook Page continues to be a hub of activity for all things Fresh Air Fund. There are some excellent photos and videos we’ve posted along with photos from our host families. Please “like” us and it would be great if you could encourage your readers to do the same:

All of us at The Fresh Air Fund really appreciate your support. Together we can make sure these children have everything they need well in advance: camp counselors, host families, and plenty of resources!