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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

Interesting Hidden Japanese season on BBC4

Created Saturday, 21st March 2009, 22:08 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

Just caught The wonderful world of Albert-Kahn, it’s all about his amazing collection photographs (colour) taken over a century ago. He’s wealthy and sent photographers with the latest camera equipment to capture images from 40 countries, and tonight I watched a documentary about his photos of Japan from 1908. Very impressive.

Seems like BBC4 has a Japanese season, and well worth to catch it. They have some great shorts like the Japanese word for baldness is barcode head, or the Japanese word for legs that turn to jelly after walking up long flights of stairs is called laughing knees. Pity that we cannot view it on their site, if you are not in UK, that is. See Japanese Word of the Day.

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