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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

Springs rolls off the menu for a day

Created Wednesday, 13th February 2008, 17:06 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

All the way in Israel that is. Asian restaurants were protesting on the plans of the government to cut the number of visa to foreign chefs, saying that their aim is to train locally. Sushi and noodles are up next in upcoming strikes. I’m so surprised how popular Asian food is:

“Customers say they are shocked and can’t live without South Asian food. [...]

I got annoyed with how some people view that Asian food is easy to cook, well, it is, but I grew up watching, learning and eating family home cooked Chinese dinner, and also the restaurant was a big part of my life when I was young. This irked me a little:

Government lawyer Shoshana Strauss told the Reuters news agency that “everyone can make Chinese food, it’s not impossible to learn [...]

There is something missing, the chef/cook also needs to know culturally how food is made, you cannot just learn it, you grew up with it, as mentioned at the end of that article.

It’s just like the health inspections, there are different ways of preparing food, you annot assume it’s all done the same. Sushi are dealt with differently, you cannot check the temperature when you serve that. What about steak that are done rare? Chow mein are actually noodles, but they come dried, so they need to be soaked in boiling water, and needs to be cooled down. Health inspectors could not get around their head that you cannot just put them straight into the fridge, as the texture will not be as supple. That’s just one example. Of course, there are common sense to how things should be stored. But little attention to different cultural ways would ease tension.