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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

Seriously now...

Created Thursday, 31st January 2008, 10:20 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

I was racking my head to remember strange things I came across in HK. The one thing that hit me was the first day I arrived in HK, after getting off the airport bus to meet my aunt, I see a couple walking their dog, and the dog had booties on all four paws! I know they are obsessed with dogs, but that was so wierd, my hubby was commenting on how the hell they could get the booties on the dog’s paws in the first place. My aunt was saying that a firedogs gets his own boots in case the dogs burnt their paws, that’s understandable, but what I saw was just ridiculous. It’s the kind of thing that you would have to look twice and fall over laughing afterward.

I was in Shatin Plaza and went by the pet store and I saw what I thought was a baby carriage, but it was for dogs, and guess what? I did see someone pushing a “dog” carriage with their little darling doggy in it! My last trip to HK saw a lot more dogs in handbags. Really now, dogs should be allowed to walk around on their own, not carried.