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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

Graveyard bubble

Created Friday, 25th May 2007, 13:40 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

For us here in Ireland, it’s the property bubble, but in China, another kind of bubble has appeared, the graveyard bubble. This means people buy plots of land in a graveyard, and depending on the location of the plots, they can be sold for lots of money. But some punters did not get any plots of land after handing over their life savings. This for profit attitude again has a cost on normal people who just want their loved ones last resting place to be good. But loved one who is laid to rest and then gets moved out after the “lease” has expired is a strange way to show how much they love them. It’s strange how things work over there.