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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

Chinese and Irish Elections 2007

Created Thursday, 17th May 2007, 13:30 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

Came across this interview on RTE news online with Oliver Wang on Chinese in Ireland and their interest in the elections this year.

Is it me that as far as ethnic minorities are concerned, they would vote for Labour rather than Fianna Fáil? The general feeling from talking to my friends and work collegues, that they may hate FF, but in the end who do we vote for?

I will probably vote for Labour. Although, I have not recieved any mails about my change of registration on the Electoral Registry from Limerick to Dublin. Does not help that the online search only reflects those that are registered as of Feb 15th.

Discuss at IBC Forum.