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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

"Weddings that are picture perfect"

Created Friday, 28th July 2006, 19:45 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

Weddings that are Picture Perfect is an article that shows how different the Chinese take their wedding pictures to the west. Whereas normally the photographer will follow the bride and groom the whole day and take pictures, Chinese weddings do not have church/blessings followed by a reception. They have the main reception after the groom manages to get the bride out her house from all her “jee mui” or sisters (like our bridesmaids). I think I rather have photographer take pictures (reportage style) of our wedding next year. But posing for portraits is not really my cup of tea. But it’s the only way Chinese in China, HK can taste what it’s like to wear a western style dress. The bride and groom take their wedding portraits before they are even married, so much for the bad luck if the groom sees the bride in her dress. That’s how different it is over there. Well, for me, I am not letting Mick see me in my dress till the day of the blessing. But I will be wearing a Chinese wedding dress (“siu foon seen”) for my civil ceromony, and greeting the guests before the blessing in the hotel. East meets West style is what I am aiming for.