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Wednesday, 12th March 2025

Irish Born Chinese

More lunar madness

Created Thursday, 2nd February 2006, 23:09 by whykay
(NOTE: This is a migrated article from the old IBC blog)

Well, not really, more cuteness. I was going through some of bigwhiteguy’s piccie entries, and found some delightful ones taken recently…

Well, this one’s dog-related and his Happy new year pic.

I like this one of the firecracker aftermath he calls firecracker foliage. Fantastic. I have not seen that amount of red exploded firecrackers since my trip to HK to attend Da Jiu Festival in Lam Tsuen (The festival to celebrate peace, as Tai Po and each of the villiages suffered terrible tragedies from typhoons decades ago. They don’t happen very often, really depends on the town or villages). Heh, just checked the pics… found my Uncle in the procession… 3rd guy in red from the front.