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Irish Born Chinese

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{List of articles for February, 2006}

  • ARTICLE is up! Hey all! You can access this site via ! The IBC forum can be access ... (by None Feb. 26, 2006)
    Mutual recognition of higher education degrees between Ireland and China Came across this news article that will give more access to Chinese students with bachelor’s ... (by None Feb. 26, 2006)
    More Chingrish I wonder if Kieran find any more Chinglish signs… like what BWG found. (by None Feb. 23, 2006)
    False E-cards already! Wow, smart cards are being faked, I wonder how many do get through though. The ... (by None Feb. 23, 2006)
    China set fines for disorderly conduct This article which I stumbled upon mentions the fines and sentances given to people who ... (by None Feb. 21, 2006)
    Pressures of study So I came across this site on an ABC ranting about the pressures of study ... (by None Feb. 19, 2006)
    We were featured in a magazine I totally forgot about this! Sinead got in contact with me via the IBC forum ... (by None Feb. 18, 2006)
    CNY06 Eve Dinner As I mentioned in my previous entry that I will upload pics of the CNY’s ... (by None Feb. 18, 2006)
    Mandarin coming into British schools From the Beeb online: French for example is declining as an international language, but Spanish, ... (by None Feb. 18, 2006)
    Archives Page Just to let you know, the sidebar on the right was getting a little too ... (by None Feb. 18, 2006)
    Asian women in the 21stC I read this article, 'China in their hands, world at their beck and call’ in ... (by None Feb. 18, 2006)
    It's raining, and traffic just jams here! Wow, what crap weather today. Why are Tuesday’s so crappy? Is it just Irish roads ... (by None Feb. 7, 2006)
    HK to be smoke-free by 2009 I have mentioned this in in previous blogs, from 1st Irish pub in HK to ... (by None Feb. 5, 2006)
    Chinese Garda coming Just readin the Indo (need registration to read – free) that more than 200 non-Irish ... (by None Feb. 5, 2006)
    Tai Po's past In my previous entry I mentioned Lam Tsuen’s Da Jiu (Peace) festival to give thanks ... (by None Feb. 5, 2006)
    More lunar madness Well, not really, more cuteness. I was going through some of bigwhiteguy’s piccie entries, and ... (by None Feb. 2, 2006)
    The Lunar New Year Fair 2011 (Lomo anamorphic) (posted by Whykay Feb. 4, 2011)
    Lion Dance in Trim (posted by Whykay Feb. 11, 2011)
    Fish And Man (posted by Whykay Feb. 11, 2011)
    Hong Kong 2011 Chinese New Year Fireworks (posted by Whykay Feb. 14, 2011)
    Russell Peters Indian Vs Chinese (posted by Whykay Feb. 16, 2011)
    Russell Peters - Beating Your Kids (posted by Whykay Feb. 16, 2011)
    A Chinese Feast (GH2 x Lomo anamorphic) (posted by Whykay Feb. 17, 2011)
    現場超震撼!! 煙花最後一幕!!The Last Scene of Hong Kong Chinese New Year Fireworks (UnCut) (posted by Whykay Feb. 17, 2011)
    首次麥氏婚禮在香港結姻緣 (McWedding debut in HK on V-Day) (posted by Whykay Feb. 17, 2011)